WordPress Support & Maintenance Service
Just Say the Word, We Can Do it all!
Choose your Best Plan
1 Month-
Support Time 20 minutes Per Week
WordPress Updates
Plugin & Theme Updates
Offsite Backups
Performance Optimization
Automatic Spam Removal
Security Monitoring
Up-time Monitoring
Monthly Report
6 Months-
Support Time 30 minutes Per Week
WordPress Updates
Plugin & Theme Updates
Offsite Backups
Performance Optimization
Automatic Spam Removal
Security Monitoring
Up-time Monitoring
Monthly Report
1 Year-
Support Time 45 minutes Per Week
WordPress Updates
Plugin & Theme Updates
Offsite Backups
Performance Optimization
Automatic Spam Removal
Security Monitoring
Up-time Monitoring
Monthly Report
We Have Great Answers
Ask Us Anything
You can use your time for content updates, design updates, graphic design, newsletter, bug fixes, or just getting extra advice.
Overages are billed at the standard rate.
We can’t make such guarantees, however, the processes we have in place make being hacked much less likely. If you combine our practices with strong passwords and good security configurations, you can sleep at night knowing your site is secure.
(Seriously, use strong passwords.)
Unused time does not rollover to the next month.
Each month you’ll receive a detailed maintenance report that includes details about stored backups, updates that were completed, optimizations that were completed, analytics data, and security scans.
Start by submitting a ticket here. This helps ensure we track all website requests and provide the best service to our clients.